Studying Africa and Africans Today
Augustin F. C. Holl (ed.)
BP International, 2022, 267 p.
This book entitled ‘Studying Africa and Africans Today’ is derived from the Second Meeting of Xiamen University Belt and Road Research Institute Africa Regions Sub-Forum, that took place at Xiamen University in April 2019. The different contributions triggered vivid and interesting debates in a collegial and friendly atmosphere. The Africa sub-Forum debates lead to a series of suggestions on how to strengthen the scientific, academic and cultural collaboration and exchange between China and Africa in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. The strongest recommendation suggests a stronger promotion of cultural, scientific, and academic collaboration and exchanges that will open the way to better mutual understanding. The study is an inter-disciplinary research initiative with focus on Africa and people of African descent worldwide. Scholars from different parts of the world, Algeria, Brazil, China, France, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, and the United States of America contributed to the debates and discussion that took place at Xiamen university.