Tensions in Sino-African labour relations: the view from the Karuma hydroelectric dam in Uganda
Robert Wyrod et Kimberlee Chang
Journal of Modern African Studies, 61(4), 2023, p. 583-604
Western and Chinese Development Engagements in Uganda’s Roads Sector: An Implicit Division of Labour
Hang Zhou
African Affairs, 4 février 2022
Ouganda : TotalEnergies et le géant chinois CNOOC ont conclu un mégaprojet d'investissement de 10 milliards de dollars
Connaissance des énergies, 1er février 2022
Entebbe : Take-off for disinformation
Thierry Pairault
Contingent infrastructure and the dilution of ‘Chineseness’: Reframing roads and rail in Kampala and Addis Ababa
Tom Goodfellow, Zhengli Huang
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 19 novembre 2020
Comparing the Effects of Chinese and Traditional Official Finance on State Repression and Public Demonstrations in Africa
Afa’anwi Ma’abo Che
CARI Working Paper & Policy Brief, novembre 2020
Chinese, Ugandans fight over Karuma Dam
The Independent, 19 octobre 2020
Uganda and Tanzania agree $3.5bn pipeline in boost to Lake Albert projects
David Thomas
African Business, 14 septembre 2020
As China builds up Africa, some in Uganda warn of trouble
Rodney Muhumuza
AP News, 24 octobre 2019
Big promises, few results: Chinese farms falter in Uganda
Peter Ford
The Christian Science Monitor, 10 septembre 2019