Finding New Ways to Finance African Infrastructure
Eric Olander
Medium, 5 octobre 2020

Challenging Pax Americana: The Commercial Imperative in Chinese Arms Exports to Africa – A Case Study of Uganda and Kenya
Elijah N. Munyi
CARI Working Paper & Policy Brief, septembre 2020

“We are not able to pay”: Kenyan MPs urge renegotiation of Chinese rail debt
David Rogers
Global Construction Review, 25 sezptembre 2020

Lire à https://www.globalconstruction...

L’accord de tous les dangers entre le Kenya et les États-Unis
Médiapart, 10 août 2020

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China, Africa, and Debt Distress: Fact and Fiction about Asset Seizures
Deborah Brautigam et Won Kidane
CARI Policy Brief, n° 47, juillet 2020

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China’s Infrastructure-Heavy Model for African Growth Is Failing
Thierry Pairault
The Diplomat, 30 juillet 2020

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Haro sur ces infrastructures censées « tirer » les économies africaines
Thierry Pairault
Le Point Afrique, 16 juillet 2020

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Contract for Kenya’s China-funded railway ruled ‘illegal’
Jevans Nyabiage
South China Morning Post, 23 juin 2020

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How Huawei Succeeds in Africa: Training and Knowledge Transfers in Kenya and Nigeria
Henry Tugendhat
CARI Working Paper & Policy Brief, mars 2020

Job insecurity, labour contestation and everyday resistance at the Chinese-built Lamu port site in Kenya
Elisa Gambino.
Asia Dialogue, 26 février 2020

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A Kenyan Painter Casts a Critical Eye on China’s Role in Africa
Abdi Latif Dahir
The New York Times, 21 février 2020

Clientelism at work? A case study of Kenyan Standard Gauge Railway project
Yuan Wang & Uwe Wissenbach
Economic History of Developing Regions, 11 novembre 2019

Assessing Chinese Manufacturing Investments in East Africa: Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities
Ying Xia 
CARI Working Paper, 2019, n° 30 & 31 / Briefing Paper, 2019, n° 2

Le South China Morning Post (quotidien de Hong Kong que l'on ne peut vraiment pas qualifier d'anti-Pékin) vient de publier deux articles assez critiques sur la présence chinoise en Afrique:

Étudier le chinois et fêter le Chun Jie à Nairobi : les Instituts Confucius au service de la diplomatie publique et du soft power chinois.
Zhao Alexandre Huang
Communiquer, n° 25, 2019, p. 39-59 ; mis en ligne le 31 mars 2019

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DOI : 10.4000/communiquer.4017 

U.S. Ambassador Pushes Coal Plant On African World Heritage Site, Kenya Fights Back
James Ellsmoor
Forbes, 27 juin 2019

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Debt fears as Kenya’s new Chinese railway fails to break even
GCR Staff,
Global Construction Review, 29 mai 2019

Lire à http://www.globalconstructionreview...

A legacy of lunacy haunts Kenya's old railway. Will China's $3.6B line be different?
Jenni Marsh
CNN, 21 mai 2019

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China to Commence Rolling Stock Production in Nigeria
Railway Business Magazine, 30 avril 2019

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