SGR pact with China a risk to Kenyan sovereignty, assets
Edwin Okoth
Daily Nation, 16 janvier 2019

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Le Standard Gauge Railway, « Grande muraille de Chine » au Kenya?
Laurent Filippi
France Info, 26 novembre 2018

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Kenyan lawyer and Pan-Africanist denied entry into Zambia over China-Africa lecture
Mildred Europa Taylor,
Face2Face Africa, 30 septembre 2018

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China’s development loans and the threat of debt crisis in Kenya
Joseph Onjala,
Development Policy Review, 2018,  p. 1-19

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[Kenya] Chinese car assembly plant, Foton East Africa, goes up for auction
Andrea Ayemoba
Africa Business Communities, 13 juin 2017

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Voir aussi

Kenya president urges rebalance of China-Africa trade
David Pilling and Adrienne Klasa
Financial Times, 14 mai 2017

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We are not so different: A comparative study of employment relations at Chinese and American firms in Kenya
Zander Rounds and Hongxiang Huang
CARI Working Paper Series, n°10, février 2017

China now owns more than half of Kenya's external debt
LiLy Kuo
Quartz Africa, 15 juin 2016

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Kenya secures $600 mln Chinese loan to support budget -IMF envoy
Duncan Miriri, Edmund Blair & Mark Heinrich
Reuters Africa, 26 mai 2016

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China’s Impacts on Africa’s Development
African Review of Economics and Finance (AREF) , June 2016

Deal or no deal : strictly business for China in Kenya ?
Apurva Sanghi & Dylan Johnson
World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper 7614, 23 mars 2016

Michael Soi's ‘China Loves Africa' Paintings
A member of Kenya's "Second Generation" of artists, Michael Soi has been known to speak his mind on canvas, particularly on issues relevant to Nairobi. Soi's latest magnifying glass points to Sino-African relations in his China Loves Africa collection.

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Scoping Studies on China-Africa Economic Relations

L'AERC a rassemblé toute une série d'études intitulées "Scoping Studies on China-Africa Economic Relations", portant sur 21 pays africains et une étude continentale. Ce projet avait été lancé lors d'une grande réunion en Ethiopie il y a  trois ans ans au cours de laquelle des chercheurs africains en économie de tout le continent s'étaient réunis pour parler notamment des problématiques sino-africaines et où avait été commandées les différentes scoping studies