“一带一路”倡议下中国与土耳其的战略合作 [China - Turkey Strategic Cooperation through “ the Belt and Road ” Initiative]
王勇, ]希望, 罗洋 [Wang Yong, Umut Ergunsu & Luo Yang]
西亚非洲 [West Asia and Africa],2015(06), p. 70-86

Abstract :

“The Belt and Road Initiative” put forward by China has received wide recognition and positive responses from Turkey as an optimistic future. With complementary strengths,both China and Turkey have their own strategies regarding the creation of the modem Silk Road in which they share converging interests. The two countries can explore further cooperation in transportation, energy, investment, cultural tourism, and multilateral mechanism. However, due to asymmetric information and Turkey’s complex geo-political and economic relations, China-Turkey cooperations are also exposed to many risks. This article puts emphasis on the analysis of Turkey’s response to the Belt and Road Initiative together with the factors influencing Turkey’s positive response,possibility of strategic cooperation between the two countries, as well as opportunities and challenges facing China-Turkey cooperation. Nevertheless, existing risks in China -Turkey cooperation can be reduced through policy coordination and people-to-people communication, as no fundamental conflicts of interest exist between the two countries. The bilateral cooperation could be closer with a shared belief of reviving the Silk Road and a pragmatic attitude towards it.

Cet article est intéressant dans sa tentative de récupérer le Projet Caravansérail [Kervansaray projesi lancé en 2008 par le ministère (turc) des Douanes et du commerce] pour le mettre au service de la politique chinoise ou pour justifier son aspiration.

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