Restructuring Debt of Poorer Nations Requires More Efficient Coordination
Guillaume Chabert, Martin Cerisola, et Dalia Hakura
IMFBlog, 7 avril 2022
Can China Seize Kenya’s Port?
Deborah Brautigam, Laure Deron, Vijay Bhalaki, and Yinxuan Wang
Resource-Backed Loans in Sub-Saharan Africa
David Mihalyi, Jyhjong Hwang, Diego Rivetti, et James Cust
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, n° 9923, février 2022
Stuck Near Ten Billion: Public-Private Infrastructure Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa
Nancy Lee and Mauricio Cardenas Gonzalez
CGD Policy Paper 251, février 2022
Chinese funding of sub-Saharan African infrastructure dwarfs that of West, says think tank
Andrea Shalal
Reuters, 9 février 2022
You’ve Heard of the Brady Plan, But What About the “Shanghai Plan” to Restructure Developing World Debt?
Eric Olander
The China Africa Project, 9 février 2022
L'endettement des pays de l'UEMOA à l'égard de la Chine
Thierry Pairault
RIELF, 2021, vol. 9, n°2, p. 37-50
World Bank demands faster G20 debt relief as poor nations squeezed
Karin Strohecker and Andrea Shalal
Reuters, 11 janvier 2022
China Stands Apart From Kenya’s Other Bilateral Creditors in Requiring Full Debt Repayment
Eric Olander
The China-Africa Daily Brief, 9 décembre 2021
What is the Real Story of China’s “Hidden Debt”?
Deborah Brautigam and Yufan Huang
Policy Brief, octobre 2021
Zambia’s Chinese Debt in the Pandemic Era
Deborah Brautigam and Yinxuan Wang
CARI Working Paper & Policy Brief, septembre 2021
Ethiopia creditors' committee meets as Addis seeks new IMF facility
Dawit Endeshaw
Reuters, 22 septembre 2021
Chinese contractors in Africa turn to Europe for financing
Jacobs Atkins
Global Trade Review, 8 septembre 2021
How China Structures The Terms & Conditions For Its Belt & Road Loans
Chris Devonshire-Ellis
Silk Road Briefing, 6 août 2021
Gabon-Chine : prêts, dette et fantaisie
Thierry Pairault
Chinese Resource-Backed Infrastructure Financing Investments: Comparing Governance in Guinea and Ghana
Qianrong Ding, Hayden Hubbard, Emily Larkin, and Dawalola Shonibare
CARI Policy Brief, juillet 2021
Financements chinois difficiles ?
Dette : qui sont les créanciers de l’Afrique ?
Marie Toulemonde
Jeune Afrique, 8 juillet 2021
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L'ivresse des contrats d'infrastructure
Thierry Pairault