South Africa's Standard Bank Wants to Exit a Once-Legendary Joint Venture with Chinese Mega-Bank ICBC
Cobus van Staden
The China-Africa Daily Brief, 14 mars 2022

Berlin: Nigeria’s FilmOne Makes Global Push With China-South Africa Pact
Christopher Vourlias
Variety, 22 février 2020

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The backstory of how South Africa ditched Taiwan for China
Christopher Williams
Quartz, 28 juillet 2018

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South Africa fines China Construction Bank over weak laundering controls
Edward White
Financial Times, 5 février 2018

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China's involvement in South Africa's wind and solar PV industries
Lucy Baker et Wei Shen
SAIS-CARI Working Paper, n°15, novembre 2017

South African, Chinese banks sign deal to fund SMEs in Africa
China Daily, 19 août 2017.

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Standard bank launched Africa China Banking centre
Ziyanda Mbolekwa
Business report, 28 juin 2017

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Chinese migrants have changed the face of South Africa. Now they’re leaving
Lily Kuo
Quartz Africa, 30 avril 2017

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China's Sinopec nears deal to buy Chevron's South African oil assets-sources
Reuters, 17 mars 2017

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Secteur automobile : la Chine en Afrique du Sud

Lire :

China and South Africa: Emerging Powers in an Uncomfortable Embrace
Alison Bradley
Journal of Contemporary China, juin 2016

China’s South China Sea Diplomacy Could Use Some Lessons from Africa
Alfredo C. Robles, Jr.
The Diplomat, 29 juin 2016

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Chinese Presence in Real Estate in South Africa and Mauritius
Honita Cowaloosur
Centre for Chinese Studies, février 2016

China’s trade relations with the South: What can Africa learn from the Latin American case?
Alicia García-Herrero and Carlos Casanova Allende
BBVA Research, 28 novembre 2014

South Africa and China - Building Bridges to Beneficiation
Chris Alden and Yu-Shan Wu
allAfrica, 23 octobre 2014

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Standard Chartered PLC : Africa-China links promoted as Standard Chartered takes African chairmen to Beijing
Lauren Callie
4-traders, 16 juillet 2012

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Publicité sud-africaine pour touristes chinois

Vidéo à visionner à

Africa in their Words: A Study of Chinese Traders in South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zambia and Angola
Terence McNamee with Greg Mills, Sebabatso Manoeli, Masana Mulaudzi, Stuart Doran and Emma Chen
The Brenthurst Foundation, Discussion Paper 2012/03