Examining the importance of the New Silk Roads for Africa and for global governance
Contribution de Thierry Pairault à l'ouvrage The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance publié sous la direction de Maria A. Carrai, Jean-Christophe Defraigne and Jan Wouters (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020, p. 155-180).
In his chapter Thierry Pairault looks at Africa and the role it has in the BRI. Various authors have seen the BRI in Africa as a way to secure resources that China depends upon but is not self-sufficient in, or infra-structure for resources. The chapter raises the question of the place that the new Silk Roads could reserve for Africa and the 54 economies it comprises. It begins by focusing on Africa’s economic importance for China in investment and trade, contextualized with the engagement of other international actors, and then examines the strategic part that Africa as a whole and African states are likely to play. In arguing that Africa serves as a springboard for China in its definition of a new global governance, Thierry Pairault demonstrates that Africa’s importance in the new Silk Roads is currently more obvious from a geopolitical than from a strictly economic point of view.
DOI du chapitre : https://doi.org/10.4337/9781789906226.00014
Présentation du livre
This timely book examines the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), assessing its effect on the international economic order and global governance more broadly. Through a variety of qualitative case studies, the book investigates the implementation of the BRI and evaluates its development outcomes both for China and the countries it interacts with under the initiative, along with its international implications.
Chapters discuss as-yet-unexplored cases from the ground in brand new studies based on fieldwork by leading academics, as well as providing alternative readings of the rationale behind the BRI. Questions about connectivity and the financial implications of Chinese investments are addressed, taking a balanced approach that demonstrates the complexity and nuance of these issues, and the far-from-linear impact that the BRI is having on global governance.
Tables des matières : https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/the-belt-and-road-initiative-and-global-governance#collapse-3
DOI du livre : https://doi.org/10.4337/9781789906226