The Political Economy of China’s Infrastructure Development in Africa,
Tim Zajontz,
Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023,

A Crumbling Metro Reveals Failed Promise of China’s Billions in Africa
Fasika Tadesse
Bloomberg, 12 avril 2024

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La diplomatie des infrastructures, un « win-win » mitigé entre la Chine et l’Afrique
Chine Magazine, 26 mars 2024

Tensions in Sino-African labour relations: the view from the Karuma hydroelectric dam in Uganda
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Journal of Modern African Studies, 61(4), 2023, p. 583-604

Le nombre de travailleurs chinois en Afrique a baissé de 64% entre 2015 et 2021
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Infrastructure diplomacy the key to China’s influence in Africa
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East Asia Forum, 7 février 2024

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Belt and Road Reboot: Beijing’s Bid to De-Risk Its Global Infrastructure Initiative
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AidData at William & Mary, 6 novembre 2023

Chinese Infrastructure Projects in Africa Don’t Meet ESG Standards
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Africa’s Infrastructure-Led Growth Experiment Is Faltering. It Is Time to Focus on Agriculture
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Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 20 déembre 2022

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Prestations de services : Chiffre d'affaires des contrats réalisés (milliards de dollars)
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Mota-Engil to invest USD 450 million in concession for Lobito corridor in Angola
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Building legitimacy? The role of Chinese contract workers in foreign regimes’ political strategies
Andrea Ghiselli & Pippa Morgan
Review of International Political Economy, publié en lign ele 21 octobre 2022

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Beyond ports, roads and railways: Chinese economic statecraft, the Belt and Road Initiative and the politics of financial infrastructures
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How Africa Borrows From China: And Why Mombasa Port is Not Collateral for Kenya’s Standard Gauge Railway
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Les contributions de la Chine au financement et à la réalisation des infrastructures en Afrique
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How Chinese firms have dominated African infrastructure
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Stuck Near Ten Billion: Public-Private Infrastructure Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa
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