Great Walls over African Rivers: Chinese engagement in African hydropower projects
Deborah Brautigam, Jyhjong Hwang
Development Policy Review, 36(1), 2017, 26 pages

Recent acceleration of Chinese engagement in African hydropower is attracting increasing attention and concern. Yet there is scant research and little reliable data on this engagement. This paper analyzes Chinese hydropower engagement based on a new, verified dataset. We examined over 100 projects reported by the media and lists compiled by other organizations, amassing case studies for each project using desk research, interviews, and field visits. We demonstrate that Chinese engagement in African hydropower is often overestimated in both numbers and value. Further, misunderstanding and myths abound regarding Chinese financing and construction practices. This evidence-based understanding provides a firmer foundation for advocacy, research, and efforts by other companies and funding agencies to cooperate with Chinese actors in this controversial sector.

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