« Chinese people are not more civilized than Africans »
Traduction postée par Tendai Musakwa
China Africa Project, 10 août 2013

 A Chinese blogger who works at a mine in Mauritania recently wrote a blog post "Chinese people are not more civilised than Africans" which attracted a lot of attention from Chinese netizens.

It has been re-posted on the China Africa Project  with an English translation.

Micro-stories of the everyday are rare in China-Africa debates, yet they highlight the meaning and value of things for ordinary people and point to the invisible tensions which underwrite the contradictions and contrasts between different world views.

The piece raises interesting points about work, compensation, relationship to the body, manners, 'legal consciousness' and the nascent idea of 'lifestyle'.

It is a reminder that sometimes the deepest contrasts are to be found among the Chinese themselves, who are greater 'others' than the locals they work with.