China Swaps Gusto for Rigor as it learns from Africa
Franz Wild
Bloomberg, 3 juin 2014

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To be or not to be: dilemma of Africa's economic engagement with China and other emerging economies
Alemayehu Gedaa, Solomon Mosisab & Matias Assefaa
Africa Review, 5(2), 2013, p. 118-138

Chinese direct investment in Africa. A state strategy?
Thierry Pairault
Région et Développement, n°37, 2013(2), p. 259-284

La Chine injecte 2 milliards de dollars dans le nouveau fonds "Africa Growing Together Fund"
Agence de presse Xinhua, 24 mai 2014

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African Economic Outlook 2014 : Global Value Chains and Africa's Industrialisation
AfDB,OECD,UNDP, 2014, 317 p.

‘Oil for Housing': Chinese-built New Towns in Angola
David Bénazéraf & Ana Alves
SIIA Policy Briefing 88, 2014, 4 p.

China admits 'growing pains' in Africa ties
Al Jazeera, 4 mai 2014

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"Agents of Translation": West African Entrepreneurs in China as Vectors of Social Change
Laurence Marfaing / Alena Thiel
GIGA - German Institute of Global and Area Studies
SPP 1448, Project, 2014, 32 p.

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Regional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa. Fostering Durable and Inclusive Growth
Alfredo Cuevas and Michael Atingi-Ego
FMI, avril 2014, 116 p.

Nouveaux regards sur la coopération pour le développement et ses transformations
Jean-Jacques Gabas, Denis Pesche, Vincent Ribier, Bonnie Campbell
Mondes en développement, n° 165, 2014/1, p. 7-22