Government Buildings in Africa Are a Likely Vector for Chinese Spying
Joshua Meservey
The Heritage Foundation, 20 mai 2020

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La Chine profite de la lutte contre la pandémie en Afrique pour vendre ses entreprises
Frédéric Bobin
Le Monde, 21 mai 2020,

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As China faces a backlash in the West, Xi needs Africa more than ever
Jenny Marsh
CNN, 18 mai 2020

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Poor Countries Borrowed Billions from China. They Can’t Pay It Back
Maria Abi-Habib and Keith Bradsher
New York Times, 18 mai 2020

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China’s Djibouti naval base increasing its power
Jean-Pierre Cabestan
EastAsiaForum, 16 mai 2020

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African Military Aircraft Procurement from China: A Case Study from Zambia
Jyhjong Hwang
CARI Working Paper & Policy Brief, mai 2020

How COVID-19 will change China and Africa's economic relationship
Lauren Johnston
The World Economic Forum COVID Action Platform, 12 avril 2020

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Chinese and World Bank Lending Terms: A Systematic Comparison Across 157 Countries and 15 Years
Scott Morris, Brad Parks, and Alysha Gardner
CGD Policy Paper , 170 , avril 2020

Cette étude confirme que les conditions de prêts de la Banque mondiale sont en règle générale plus avantageuses que les chinoises, mais leur montant est le plus souvent moindre.

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China's Balancing Act in Libya
Sandy Alkoutami , Frederic Wehrey
Lawfare, 10 mai 2020

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