
Tensions in Sino-African labour relations: the view from the Karuma hydroelectric dam in Uganda
Robert Wyrod et Kimberlee Chang
Journal of Modern African Studies, 61(4), 2023, p. 583-604

Western and Chinese Development Engagements in Uganda’s Roads Sector: An Implicit Division of Labour
Hang Zhou
African Affairs, 4 février 2022

Ouganda : TotalEnergies et le géant chinois CNOOC ont conclu un mégaprojet d'investissement de 10 milliards de dollars
Connaissance des énergies, 1er février 2022

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Entebbe : Take-off for disinformation
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Contingent infrastructure and the dilution of ‘Chineseness’: Reframing roads and rail in Kampala and Addis Ababa
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Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 19 novembre 2020

Comparing the Effects of Chinese and Traditional Official Finance on State Repression and Public Demonstrations in Africa
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CARI Working Paper & Policy Brief, novembre 2020

Chinese, Ugandans fight over Karuma Dam
The Independent, 19 octobre 2020

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Uganda and Tanzania agree $3.5bn pipeline in boost to Lake Albert projects
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African Business, 14 septembre 2020

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As China builds up Africa, some in Uganda warn of trouble
Rodney Muhumuza
AP News, 24 octobre 2019

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Big promises, few results: Chinese farms falter in Uganda
Peter Ford
The Christian Science Monitor, 10 septembre 2019

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