Chinese Presence in Real Estate in South Africa and Mauritius
Honita Cowaloosur
Centre for Chinese Studies, février 2016

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China has recently taken the global community by surprise with a surging interest in overseas real estate investment. While United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (USA), Canada and Australia are the usual prized destination of these investments, China’s general economic activities give enough reasons to believe that Africa will soon be emerging as one of the new real estate investment destinations. Preliminary statistics from research centres, and media and public discourses highlight South Africa and Mauritius as two of the most popular destinations of Chinese real estate investment. This paper investigates the substantiality of these hypotheses and assesses the impact Chinese real estate activities have on the socio-economic environment of the respective two countries. It also provides policy propositions that would ease these prospective challenges to the two societies.

CCS_Image_Open_Society_Foundations_2014These research reports are part of the outcomes of the CCS scholarship programme, Phandulwazi nge China (“Knowledge about China” in isiXhosa). The scholarships offer opportunities for African researchers to spend research time at the Centre in order to advance mutual learning and a better exchange on interpretations of political, economic or environmental impact of Chinese engagement in Africa. This programme is kindly supported by Open Society Foundation.