Is China displacing traditional aid donors in Africa? Evidence suggests not
Haley J. Swedlund
The Star Kenya, 28 février 2017

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Morocco: China's Gateway to Africa?
The Diplomat Magazine, 28 février 2017

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Chinese Agriculture in Africa: Perspectives of Chinese Agronomists on Agricultural Aid
Lila Buckley, Chen Ruijian, Yin Yanfei and Zhu Zidong
International Institute for Environment and Development, janvier 2017

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US wary as China builds naval port in Africa
The Straits Times, 27 février 2017

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Entreprises publiques chinoises en Afrique

China’s commitment to mining in Africa deepens
Bill Corcoran
The Irish Times, 16 février 2017

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Burkina Faso: Between Taiwan's active public diplomacy and China's business attractiveness
Jean-Pierre Cabestan,
South African Journal of International Affairs, 2017(1), p. 1-25

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Joyous Africans Take to the Rails, With China’s Help
Andrew Jacobs,
New York Times, 7 février 2017

Le défi des groupes miniers chinois en Afrique
Christophe Le Bec
Jeune Afrique, 8 février 2017

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Financial Times FT中文网, 5 octobre 2016,

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