À la conquête du marché africain, l'Inde n'use pas des mêmes méthodes que la Chine
Julien Bouissou
Le Monde, 27 mai 2011

Lire à http://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2011/05/26/a-la-conquete-du-marche-africain-l-inde-n-use-pas-des-memes-methodes-que-la-chine_1527703_3234.html

Is there a China model of overseas direct investment?
Bijun Wang and Yiping Huang
East Asia Forum, April 12th, 2011


La Chine en Côte d'Ivoire : le double jeu
par Xavier Aurégan
À lire sur Diploweb à http://www.diploweb.com/La-Chine-en-Cote-d-Ivoire-le.html

La Chine présente une attitude ouverte à des coopérations « Chine-Afrique-Europe »
Radio Chine Internationale

Essai photographique
Heriberto Araújo et Luis de las Alas
Foreign Policy http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/02/22/china_international

China's and India's growing investment and trade with Africa
Harry G. Broadman
East Asia Forum, February 23rd, 2011  

The dramatic increase in recent years of trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) in sub-Saharan Africa by firms from Asia - notably China and India - has become an emotionally charged issue.

The New Presence of China in Africa
Meine Pieter van Dijk (ed.)
Amsterdam University Press - EADI (2009)

Présentation par l'éditeur http://dare.uva.nl/aup/en/record/323564  

Chesapeake Energy Corporation and CNOOC Limited Announce Eagle Ford Shale Project Cooperation Agreement
Lire à http://www.chk.com/news/articles/Pages/1480846.aspx
Unraveling ZTE's Network
Fortune, vol.11, n°562, February 06, 2011

Shortsighted relations with China?
New Generation for Democracy in Ethiopia

Lire à http://www.ethiopiandemocrats.com/apps/forums/topics/show/3547427-shortsighted-relations-with-china-