China in Africa - A Strategic Overview [october 2009]
Executive Research Associates (Pty) Ltd

L'Inde face à la Chine en Afrique : Le dragon et l'éléphant en marche vers le continent africain
par Élodie René
Editions universitaires européennes (2010)

China and Africa Development Relations
Edited by Christopher M. Dent
Routledge, 2010, 208 p.


À signaler : 

刘林青[Liu Linqing]、周潞 [Zhou Lu], 非洲农产品的国际的竞争力及与中国贸易互补性分析 [La compétitivité des produits agricoles africains et la complémentarité commerciale de l'Chine et de l'Afrique],国际贸易[Commerce international], 2010(4), p. 40-48.

China's foreign aid activities in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia
Thomas Lum et al.
Washington, Congressional Research Service, 2009

À lire à

Chinese and African Perspectives on China in Africa
Edited by Axel Harneit-Sievers, Stephen Marks, Sanusha Naidu
Fahamu Books, Oxford, 2010; 298 p.

Quand la Chine rencontre l'Afrique
Solange Guo Chatelard

Solange Guo-Chatelard propose une réflexion sur l'ouvrage de Deborah Brautigam paru en 2009 (The Dragon's Gift. The Real Story of China in Africa) qui se demande s'il est justifié de croire que la Chine impose en Afrique de nouvelles formes de colonisation.

South-South cooperation: Africa and the new partnership for development — Economic Development in Africa Report 2010
CNUCED - 18 juin 2010

 À consulter à 

Le pétrole d'Afrique en plein expansion !
par Etongtek Batam Blaise
Borafrica, 23 juin 2010


The Dragon's Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa

"Is China a rogue donor? Media reports about huge aid packages, support for pariah regimes, regiments of Chinese labor, and the ruthless exploitation of workers and natural resources in some of the poorest countries in the world have sparked fierce debates. China's tradition of secrecy fuels rumors and speculation, making it difficult to gauge the risks and opportunities in China's growing embrace. This well-timed new book, by one of the world's leading experts, tackles the myths and the sometimes surprising realities. It explains what the Chinese are doing, how they do it, and why this engagement has a chance of working better for Africa's development than decades of efforts from the West."