China’s Heavy Hand in Africa
Viola Rothschild
Council on Foreign Relations, 22 mars 2018

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Axing Term Limits in China Is a Boon to Africa's Would-Be Despots
Michelle D. Gavin
Council on Foreign Relations, 12 mars 2018

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Télécharger la présentation Le poids de la francophonie dans les relations sino-africaines

Bizerte triggers new Great Game between the US, China and France
Peter Semler,
Capitol Intelligence Group, 13 mars 2018

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How many ‘Chinese’ businesses are in Africa?
Doug Tsuruoka
Asia Times, 16 mars 2018

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Reflections on loans from China Africa
William G. Naggaga
Daily Monitor, 16 mars 2018

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Chine vs Etats-Unis vs France : la concurrence des influences étrangères en Afrique?
France Culture, 13 mars 2018

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Zhi Shuping et les normes chinoises

The tragedy of Secretary Tillerson’s last trip to Africa
Karen Attiah,
The Washington Post, 104 mars 2018

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Le Chinois Dongfeng Motor Corporation va installer une usine de montage de véhicules en Tunisie
Agence Ecofin, 13 mars 2018

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