In Africa, Future of French Companies Goes Through China
Frédéric Bouzigues
Caixin, 12 mars 2018

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Approximations, confusion... [Djibouti & Tillerson]

The Tillerson Trip: Data on China, Africa, and the U.S.
CARI, 10 mars 2018

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China’s influence looms as Sierra Leone goes to the polls
Cooper Inveen and Ruth Maclean
The Guardian, 7 mars 2018

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L'approvisionnement instable du cobalt fait trembler l'industrie technologique
Katja Schaer
RTS, 7 mars 2018

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Who does [USA/China/India/UK/Japan/France] prioritize in Africa?
Jackson Miller

Senior State Department Officials Previewing Secretary Tillerson's Travel to the Continent of Africa
Teleconference, 2 mars 2018

China Is Turning Ethiopia Into a Giant Fast-Fashion Factory
Bill Donahue
Bloomberg Businessweek, 2 mars 2018

séminaire « Présences chinoises en Afrique » séance du 7 mars 2018

Dettes : la Zambie, le FMI et la Chine
RWR Belt and Road Monitor: Feb 23