China’s Global Statecraft [An interview with Ching Kwan Lee]
Eli Friedman
Dissent, Spring 2022

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Why ‘Made in Morocco’ Could Be Africa’s Leading Automotive Label
Souad Anouar
Morocco World News, 4 mai 2022

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Deborah Bräutigam on China’s Return on Investment in Africa
Interview par Garrette O'Biren
The Wire China, 1er mai 2022

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(In)roads and outposts Critical Infrastructure in China’s Africa Strategy
Nadège Rolland, (ed.)
NBR Special Report #98, mai 2022

Industrial Parks in Africa: Building Nests for the Chinese Phoenix
Thierry Pairault
in Nadège Rolland, (ed.), (In)roads and outposts Critical Infrastructure in China’s Africa Strategy, NBR Special Report #98, mai 2022, p. 75-88.

African borrowers must unite to seek best deals from China and the West
Hannah Ryder
African Business, 26 avril 2022

How Chinese Loans to Africa Changed During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jyhjong Hwang et al.
GCI Policy Brief, n° 12, avril 2022

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China ‘debt trap diplomacy’: ex-central bank governor slams accusations as a ‘smear’ amid warnings of global credit risks
Amanda Lee and Luna Sun
South China Morning Post, 22 avril 2022

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China committed to joining Zambia creditor committee
Cobus van Staden
The China-Africa Daily Brief, 25 avril 2022

Un scandale sino-congolais. L’exploitation illégale des minerais et des forêts par les entreprises chinoises au Sud-Kivu [enregistrement]
Justin Mwetaminwa et Thierry Vircoulon
séminaire « Présences chinoises » séance du mercredi 20 avril 2022